Monday, January 27, 2014

Sleep Schedules

I struggle with sleep. Always have, to varying degrees. Part of the issue is that of being a night person in a morning person's world, and I have tried several different ways to manage that issue. (Largely I end up just ignoring my body's actual needs and requirements in the arena of sleep time in favor of going to bed at a time that feels natural and satisfying and allowing the harsh jangle of my really obnoxious alarm clock to jolt me out of bed.)

However, in the past several months I've given a lot of thought to sleep rhythms, wondering if I went to bed later, would the alarm clock catch me in a phase of sleep more conducive to waking up, or if I tried sleeping in two chunks instead of one, would that allow my body to rest rather than simply sleep. The experiment seems more fraught with disastrous possibilities than going on the way I've started typically does, but some one of these days I think I'm going to try something new. )Such as getting up at 3 am if that's when I happen to be awake and alert, which does sometimes happen.)

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